We had an awesome day today! Each Wednesday students who have earned a class reward have the opportunity to share, teach or read aloud to the class. One student read aloud from Charlie and the Chocolate factory. Another chose to read her homework story and a third shared a sand dollar that she found at the beach. Rebecca was our first student to choose "Teacher for a Day". She taught us how to draw Bad Kitty, a character from one of her favorite book. This was so much fun and a joy to watch!
Logan's mom volunteered in our classroom today. Thank goodness because our painted paper factory was a huge success. We painted paper different shades of blue and will be working over the next week to create a flip book to keep all of our information about the different layers of the ocean.
As I have been checking homework lately I have noticed that students are not putting in the necessary effort to complete assignments. Students are often giving one word answers, not writing legibly, and over all not putting in their best effort. The 3rd grade teachers plan homework so that it will take no more than 20 minutes to complete if students are on task. This does not include the nightly reading.
The homework requirement for 4th grade are much more rigorous. I want students to understand that the 20 minutes of homework they are given should be completed according to the directions given and should without a doubt show the students best work. If this is not the case I will ask students to re-do the assignment during their lunch recess. As always, as soon as the work is done they are free to return to recess.
For tonights homework: Please write a story. It may be about anything you would like. Be creative. Write one paragraph for the beginning, one paragraph for the middle and one paragraph for the end.
Thank you for all of your help at home!
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