Monday, April 28, 2014

Homework: Monday, April 28th

For Monday and Wednesday's homework students will choose a science experiment. They will use Monday and Wednesday to complete the experiment and record their observations. 
I have provided everything students need for the balloon rocket experiment. Please do not go out and buy materials. Have fun! 
Click any of the pictures below to download the attachment. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Homework: Wednesday, April 16th


Tell about a time where you had to do something you didn't want to do or something that you thought would be scary. Did you end up having fun or liking it more than you thought? For example:


 When I was younger my mom told me I had to join my younger sister and her friends for her birthday slumber party. At the time I thought I was too old to be hanging out with those "little" kids. I moped around and whined about how I didn't want to watch kid movies and tell scary stories with a bunch of first graders. My mom wouldn't let up though. At first I had a bad attitude. I was a big old grump. First the girls started reading spooky stories from a book one of them had packed. Some of those were actually really good and they even asked me to read some of the harder words. I guess that wasn't so bad. Then we got out all kinds of junk food. There was popcorn, chocolate, chips and even sparkling cider. The other girls started trying to throw the popcorn up in the air and someone else would catch it in their mouth. It looked like fun, but I just did not want to have to sleep with them. After a little while I gave in and started trying to catch popcorn that my sister was throwing in the air. Come to find out I was pretty good at it. After that, we took out an Uno game and decided to make a big fort that we could all sleep in. This was so much fun. Our fort was enormous and we could all sleep in it. We played Uno and then we painted out toe nails. Before I knew it I had fallen asleep and the smell of bacon was creeping into my nose. Morning had arrived. While I was eating my breakfast with my sister and her friends I realized that last night was one of the most fun filled night I had ever had. I'm so glad that my mom forced me to have some fun!

 Write about Remember to include a beginning, middle and end. 

You may not use the words THE END as your ending. Use proper capitalization, punctuation and spelling. Write neat and legible. 

Friday, April 11, 2014

Homework: Thursday, April 17th

Tomorrow is career day! As a school wide reward kids will dress up and show off what they want to be when they grow up. You can dress up or simply make a badge with your name and career. I think I am going to dress as a historian or maybe a marine biologist! I can't wait to see what the kids come up with!!

Problem Solving Homework. 

Click the picture below to download tonight's homework. Remember this document is three pages and includes homework for the entire week. 

Also, reading logs are due tomorrow!!

Homework: Tuesday, April 15th

In class we have been learning how to find fractions and mixed numbers (a whole number and a fraction) on a number line. Students have learned several strategies and may use what works best for them. 


1. Use jumps on the number line from one whole number to the next to determine how many equal parts it is cut into. 
2. Draw a fraction model on or above the number line to determine how many parts. 
3. Use circles to circle each space between the whole number to determine the number of parts. 

Watch this video below to learn more about adding fractions to a number line. 

Please click the picture below to download your homework for tonight. There are 3 separate pages. Homework for the entire week is included in this document. 

Homework: Monday, April 14th

We have been working hard to understand and identify cause and effect. It is easy for students to point out cause and effects in conversational setting. For example if I were to ask the effect of spilling my water they would respond with "you get wet". It is more difficult however, to identify cause and effect within text. 

Tonight, I would like students to read the story and identify the cause or effect in the story. Please encourage your child to underline the evidence in the text to support their answer. They must go back and search the text, write in complete sentences and use capitalization and punctuation. 

Click on the image below to download this weeks homework. There are 3 pages attached to the document. They include the homework for the entire week. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Homework: Thursday, April 10th

Please remember that reading logs are due tomorrow. Your child should be filling in the title(s) of the book(s) they read for the nightly 20 minutes. If you read more please indicate this, as well. 

Also, don't forget that we are no longer doing weekly spelling lists. 

Use this time to practice and become fluent in your multiplication facts!!!!! 

Students must have facts memorized for 4th grade!!!!

Homework: Problem Solving

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Homework: Wednesday April 9th

We had an awesome day today! Each Wednesday students who have earned a class reward have the opportunity to share, teach or read aloud to the class. One student read aloud from Charlie and the Chocolate factory. Another chose to read her homework story and a third shared a sand dollar that she found at the beach. Rebecca was our first student to choose "Teacher for a Day".  She taught us how to draw Bad Kitty, a character from one of her favorite book. This was so much fun and a joy to watch!


Logan's mom volunteered in our classroom today. Thank goodness because our painted paper factory was a huge success. We painted paper different shades of blue and will be working over the next week to create a flip book to keep all of our information about the different layers of the ocean. 


As I have been checking homework lately I have noticed that students are not putting in the necessary effort to complete assignments. Students are often giving one word answers, not writing legibly, and over all not putting in their best effort. The 3rd grade teachers plan homework so that it will take no more than 20 minutes to complete if students are on task. This does not include the nightly reading.

The homework requirement for 4th grade are much more rigorous. I want students to understand that the 20 minutes of homework they are given should be completed according to the directions given and should without a doubt show the students best work. If this is not the case I will ask students to re-do the assignment during their lunch recess. As always, as soon as the work is done they are free to return to recess. 

For tonights homework: Please write a story. It may be about anything you would like. Be creative. Write one paragraph for the beginning, one paragraph for the middle and one paragraph for the end. 

Thank you for all of your help at home!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Homework: Monday, April 7th

Here is your homework for tonight! Now hurry and get it done so you can get out there and enjoy some sunshine!! :) 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Homework: Wednesday, April 2nd

Today, we learned about the Ocean! For homework tonight, students will complete a KW (with no L) for the ocean. In one column they will write what they know about the ocean and in the other what they want to learn/know. 

Homework: Tuesday, April 1st

Students were to copy the Polygon chart into their journal and complete all parts. The scan is very light, but hopefully you can make sense of it.