Monday, March 31, 2014

Welcome Back and Happy Spring!

Can you believe that we are rounding that last corner toward the end of the year? Your little ones are on their way to become 4th graders! The end of the year is all about preparing them for that next step.  
I am excited for all that we are going to learn this last term!

Below you will find the homework for tonight, a note about spelling and our monthly newsletter. Click on any picture below to download. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Homework: Tuesday, March 18th

You may click the picture below to download and print. You may also copy the work into your homework journal. It is multiple pages though so make sure to click the picture to view all pages. 

Thank you for all of your help and support at home. 

Remember to eat a healthy breakfast and bring a filling snack. 
Two more days or math state testing and then we are onto Spring Break!

Monday, March 17, 2014

This week in room 12....

First off, Happy St. Patricks Day! 
We started the morning off with a pinch or two, but don't fret. 
Lexi suggested a hug instead and the kids seemed just as excited about that. 

I cannot believe that Spring Break has already arrived. 
This entire month has been spent preparing for the state assessment. 
I am excited to get back to our regular routine this April. 

I have not been completing newsletters or writing in our owl folders. Everything in our classroom is running at a faster pace than ever and there is hardly a minute to spare. 
I have decided that with this website as a way to communicate with families I will only be doing a newsletter once per month. I will try to include all important events and information there, but be sure to check the website, as well. I will begin writing in the folders each Friday again after the break. We will also start spelling and math fact practice again. 


1. Your child's report card will come home with them today. Please return the signed envelope right away. You may of course, keep the report card. 
2. The Math State Assessment continues through the week. Please make sure to get your mathematician (child) to be a little early. Don't forget to eat a healthy breakfast in the morning and bring healthy snacks to school. 
3. Ulises, Hannah and Madison are our students of the month for March!! I am so proud of how hard they have been working throughout all of the math, math, math we have doing this month! We will recognize their hard work during the assembly at 9:45, this Wednesday. 
4. This Thursday homework for spring break will come home. We are asking that students practice and master as many multiplication facts as possible. I am sending flashcards home with them. Your child should also be reading and keeping a log to return after the break. 


1. Read for 20 minutes and write 3-5 sentences describing a character from the story. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Homework for the week of March 3rd and State Test Preparation

Lately it is feeling like we rarely have a full week of school. I am sure you are feeling the same way and are looking forward to getting back to some consistency. With a snow day to end one week and begin another in addition to President's Day, last week was our first full week in a while. This week we have another three day week. I will be at school Thursday and Friday while the kids are home. I am preparing for report cards. Spring break is just around the corner and after we return we are working more rigorous than ever with many full weeks until the end of the year. 

It is difficult for me to teach and the children to study our spelling skill within a three day span. Because we have a three day week this week we will have the same spelling words this week and next week.

Every 3rd grader will be taking the Oregon Statewide Assessment. In class we work diligently to prepare students for this assessment and build excitement and confidence. This is a time to celebrate all of their learning! Next Monday we will begin the reading portion of the assessment. To prepare please complete the reading sample test packet with your child at home and return to school on Wednesday. We are also working on test taking strategies at school. Please contact me anytime if you have questions or concerns. You can download the packet by clicking the picture below.